Чтобы гарантировать подлинность показываемых рейтингов, мы не просто рассчитываем среднее значение. Вместо этого для определения окончательного рейтинга мы принимаем во внимание достоверность отзыва и дату проживания гостя.
11/10 trip! This is a MUST book!
Everything from the hospitality (free snacks in room, pickup and drop offs to scenic sites, super friendly staff) to the quality of the room (very clean, bathtub views were amazing) has been impeccable! Blackout curtains and accurate temperature control allowed me to have the best sleep I’ve had in months
Easily the closest hotel to a 5-star in this region - easily better / on-par with many 5-star hotels that I’ve stayed at. Nothing else in this region comes close to nearly as beautiful or comfortable stay as this
Ответ от объекта размещения: Dear Mr. rob, thank you for your choice and coming, thank you for your love of our homestay and your recognition of our environment! The temperature in winter is cold, but we welcome you warmly and strive to create a warm and comfortable environment for you. Looking forward to your coming again! Thank you
номер Evening View с двуспальной кроватью и видом на пейзаж [латексный матрас+подушка с памятью Yaduo+умный туалет]
Гость проживал в июня 2024 г.
Отзывов: 9
Опубликовано 5 июля 2024 г.
My boyfriend and I just had the most special stay here. From the moment we arrived, the wonderful team looked after us and helped with everything and anything we could want. We’d wanted to eat dinner upon arrival, and so they provided some of the nicest Chinese food I’ve had to date! My recommendation is the fried eggs and leek. We were obsessed! 🤤 The room and the amenities were really high quality, and I especially enjoyed the incredible view from our bedroom. Daily, we were given snacks and fruits. The food was so good that we ordered again on our second night. Truly, the food was 10/10!! For the room, everything was clean, modern and worked well. All the staff were excellent, too. Yang Yang was especially wonderful (picture of us together!) and made sure we had the best time. She helped with organising our trip, including travel. She is a warm, kind person who made all the difference to our trip. She also introduced us to 土豆 the cat—he was just as delightful! As a foreigner in China, sometimes it can be tricky to navigate how best to travel certain areas. This hotel and the wonderful people here made us feel at home. Thanks so much for this memorable trip, Yang Yang —and also to all the lovely people there! You MUST stay here for the best hotel outside Enshi Grand Canyon!! 💚
Ответ от объекта размещения: Dear guests,thank you for your coming and your appreciation of our resort, food, staff, service, and cats. We will continue to work hard to provide a better service to every guest. Looking forward to seeing you in the near future!
номер Evening View с двуспальной кроватью и видом на пейзаж [латексный матрас+подушка с памятью Yaduo+умный туалет]
Ответ от объекта размещения: 尊敬的客人: 看到您如此用心的好評,一時"無言以對",太感動了,我想,這就是真誠相待的意義吧!從您預訂那一刻開始,我們就很認真的做好接待準備工作,一心衹想服務好您們!我們肯定有做的不夠到位的地方,也感謝您的理解,支持!謝謝您如此細緻的去描述這一切,介紹欣之堡的一切,何德何能,得到您如此的厚愛?千言萬語,我們倍加珍惜您的到來,評價!衹有更加努力,才配得上您對我們的厚愛!再次謝謝您和家人的到來!祝您🐍年吉祥!幸福平安!
Danfeng семейный номер во внутреннем дворе с частным бассейном [Частный бассейн+Латексный матрас+Подушка памяти Yaduo+Умный туалет+Мобильный экран проекции]
Ответ от объекта размещения: 尊敬的客人: 非常感謝小姐姐一家的到來!謝謝您對我們真誠用心服務的認可!我們感動,感謝備至!謝謝您抽出時間來分享您的入住體驗!詮釋着您對我們的讚許!這對我們來説,是莫大的鼓舞!您的每一次肯定,對我們來説都彌足珍貴!期待您和家人的再次到來!祝您新年快樂,生活愉快,事事順心
Yuanxiang Private Soup Family Suite [Exclusive Bubble Pool+Massage Chair+Latex Mattress+Yaduo Memory Pillow+Smart Toilet]
Ответ от объекта размещения: 尊敬的客人: 非常感謝您的到來,看到您對我們民宿服務的認可,環境設施的高度評價,對管家的讚揚,我們倍感榮幸!!小“土豆”也特別喜歡尊敬的客人……山高水遠,還需您懂!我們會繼續努力, 希望您下次有機會再次來到大峽谷,能再次來到欣之堡做客!祝您生活愉快 平安喜樂
Yuanshan пейзажный родительский детский номер [Интернет знаменитая прозрачная ванна+латексный матрас+Yaduo памяти подушка+умный туалет]
Ответ от объекта размещения: 尊敬的客人: 非常感謝您的到來!更感謝您對我們民宿的高度評價,我們衹有更加努力,才能不負您對我們的高度認可!謝謝您對我們民宿設施,環境,服務的鉅細讚美!特別感謝您對我們前台小姐姐服務的認可!我們期待您的再次到來!我們會努力完善細節,期待您再次到來的時候,能看到我們的進步!祝您平安喜樂!
Cuiyun · 270 ° Cliff Landscape Family Room [Internet Famous Transparent Bathtub+latex Mattress+Yaduo Memory Pillow+smart Toilet]
Гость проживал в февр. 2025 г.
Отзывов: 10
Опубликовано 13 мар. 2025 г.
номер Evening View с двуспальной кроватью и видом на пейзаж [латексный матрас+подушка с памятью Yaduo+умный туалет]
Ответ от объекта размещения: 尊敬的客人,非常感謝您對我們民宿的喜愛和高度評價!我們始終堅持為每一位客人提供最舒適、最温馨的住宿體驗。您的滿意是我們最大的動力,我們會繼續努力,確保每一位入住的客人都能感受到家的温暖。期待您的下次光臨,我們將竭誠為您提供更優質的服務!祝您生活愉快!