Conrad Orlando

Conrad Orlando: отзывы

Conrad Orlando

1500 Eastbeach Way, Lake Buena Vista, United StatesПосмотреть информацию об отеле
Conrad Orlando
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Отзывов: 65
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Номер с видом на бассейн (2 кровать «queen-size»)
Гость проживал в 2024年5月
Отзывов: 1
Опубликовано 2024年5月14日
Отель потрясающий, но они не готовы к работе. Сотрудники отеля были перегружены ожиданием ресторанов, а обслуживание в ресторанах было просто смешным. НЕТ ШЕЗЛА, чтобы посидеть, и недостаточно стула для гостя отеля. мы насчитали 58 стульев на 2000 гостей. Очень плохой бизнес. Никаких указателей в отеле Конрад, где было. Не вернусь в отель или рестораны на территории. В ресторане Cebia у нас было ужасное обслуживание, и за ту цену, которую они берут, этого никогда не должно случиться.
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Номер с видом на лагуну (2 кровать «queen-size», с балконом)
Гость проживал в 2024年4月
Отзывов: 2
Опубликовано 2024年5月15日
У меня было предоплаченное бронирование. Они взимали 800 долларов за непредвиденные расходы в точках продаж, которым присвоен статус «Одобрено». Мы потратили около 1 тыс., и они заперли нас за пределами комнаты и попросили еще раз заплатить всю сумму. Они не признали первоначальный платеж. Парень на стойке регистрации Кристиан очень расстроился, доводя его до грани срыва. В конце концов я попросил поговорить с дежурным менеджером. Он подошел к стойке регистрации через 20-30 минут, извинился и сказал, что с первоначальным платежом все в порядке. Мы провели 1 час запертыми снаружи из-за этой «системной ошибки». Обслуживание в Софии (ресторан внизу) очень плохое из-за кухонного персонала. Ресторан на крыше очень хорош для ужина. Я ждал 30 минут, пока камердинер привезет мою машину. Они понятия не имеют, что делают. После 22:00 можно пообедать только в номере. Трансфер только до парков Диснея.
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Делюкс вид на природу 2 кровати размера «queen size» номер с видом на берег с балконом
Гость проживал в 2024年2月
Отзывов: 4
Опубликовано 2024年3月8日
確實很新 在酒店發生了emergency 非常感謝各位人員對我的幫助 下次還會再來 美中不足的是沒有提前入園的政策
Номер с кроватью размера king и видом на природу
Гость проживал в 2024年5月
Отзывов: 6
Опубликовано 2024年5月31日
Делюкс вид на природу 2 кровати размера «queen size» номер с видом на берег с балконом
Гость проживал в 2024年3月
Отзывов: 17
Опубликовано 2024年4月8日
Гость проживал в 2024年2月
Отзывов: 0
Опубликовано 2024年2月27日
Мы остановились в новом отеле Conrad Orlando на курорте Evermore в середине февраля, когда они только открылись на пару недель. Лагуна прекрасна, а окрестности тихие, и создается впечатление, что мы находимся на тропическом острове, мне это очень нравится, как я и ожидал. Однако отель «Конрад» не так уж и велик. Я являюсь золотым участником Hilton, и обычно в рамках привилегии они предлагают повышение класса обслуживания при наличии возможности. В это время я вижу не так уж много гостей, и мы заселились на час раньше, так что свободные места должны быть. Сотрудник стойки регистрации даже не предложил мне номер более высокой категории, поэтому я спросил. Но он сказал, что единственная комната, которая будет свободна через несколько часов, — это комната без балкона. Мне не хотелось терять балкон, думая, что мы будем сидеть, наслаждаясь лагуной. Но когда мы добрались до номера, нас поселили в самой дальней части здания на 2 этаже с видом на парковку и постройки. Какой отличный способ пригласить вашего постоянного члена! И, что еще больше усугубило наше разочарование, телевизор перезагружался каждые 15 минут, пока мы смотрели фильм. Пару раз отключалось электричество, а телевизор не перезагружался. Позвонили на ресепшн, сказали, что кого-то пришлют, никто не пришел. Я рассказал об этом рабочему, который проходил мимо нашей комнаты, и он сказал, что вызывает инженера, но никто так и не пришел. День был дождливый, поэтому мы тоже не смогли выйти на улицу. Все удобства этого курортного отеля находятся на открытом воздухе, поэтому в дождливый день мы не можем заниматься никакой деятельностью. В дождливый день в отеле не было никаких развлечений для гостей. Мой 10-летний ребенок был недоволен. Мы обычно останавливаемся на курортах Диснея, и там всегда есть чем заняться детям в любую погоду. Так что отключение и телевидение были нашим последним ударом. Мы тоже попробовали там ужин, цена на еду была завышена, а качество - хуже. И нам пришлось нанять парковщика за 50 долларов за ночь, так как другого варианта нет. Я поговорил с сотрудниками стойки регистрации при выезде, и она сказала, что менеджер позвонит мне и попытается все исправить. Но конечно прошло больше недели и мне никто не звонит. Я останавливался в Конраде по всему миру, и это худший опыт. Я бы дал курорту Evermore еще один шанс и остановился бы в нем, если бы это была их вилла, НО не в Конраде. Я бы никому не рекомендовал оставаться в Конраде, это пустая трата денег. Если вы хотите насладиться лагуной, можете остановиться на вилле Evermore. Я оценил это место на 2 исключительно из-за красивой лагуны. Если бы это было не из-за этого, то, если бы это было возможно, было бы 0.
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Гость проживал в 2024年2月
Отзывов: 0
Опубликовано 2024年2月26日
Решили использовать баллы Hilton Honors за 2 ночи проживания в этом отеле. За наши баллы у нас должен был быть номер с 1 кроватью размера «king-size» и видом на природу, но его повысили до номера Делюкс с тем же видом/стороной, но с балконом. Нам предложили перейти на номер с 1 кроватью размера «king-size» и балконом с видом на бассейн/лагуну за дополнительную плату, мы просто согласились и можем сказать, что оно того стоит. Пребывание в этом отеле дает вам доступ к курорту Evermore, и это одна из причин, почему мы остановились здесь. В целом, это были расслабляющие и пугающие выходные. Шел дождь, поэтому мы не могли купаться в лагуне (которая на самом деле представляет собой биииииииииииииииииииииииный бассейн). Мы просто хотели проверить это место, и летом оно становится очень оживленным. Отель относительно новый. Я думаю, что он официально открылся еще 18 января, и он чистый и нетронутый. Обслуживание отличное: стойка регистрации, услуги портье, уборка номеров, обслуживание номеров и, конечно же, ужин. Мы не смогли сразу попасть в нашу комнату и пошли искать кофе. Little Spoon, их возможность взять и уйти уже закрыта (14:30). Но сотрудники одного из баров/ресторанов Apero с радостью приготовили его для нас. Действительно важно, где вы остановитесь... и я с удовольствием порекомендую этот отель.
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Гость проживал в 2024年6月
Отзывов: 0
Опубликовано 2024年6月23日
I visited the Conrad Orlando with my family. 4x adults, 3x kids. This will likely be the only family trip we will take this year and were very much looking forward to it. However, this stay did not live up to expectations. The resort is closer to a 4-star than 5 but with the prices beyond many of the other comparable resorts. A few top lines: 1. You will be nickled and dimed here. For ex it's $53 per day to park (Waldorf is $38), there is a $50 "resort fee" which dosent materialize into anything. Pricing for other odds and ends is extreme in some cases and often lacking quality. 2. They cant keep the sand clean. My 5 yr old found pieces of plastic and cigarette buds every day we were there. We also noted the same used bandaid in the sand all 3x days we stayed. This was a big issue for us. Pools were generally clean but the evermore side needs work. hair/bandaids ect are prevalent. 3. Food and Beverage is a mess. A few examples - After check in my wife and I got a mixed drink and diet coke. They were both watered down and ended being $26. One night the kids were asleep in the room and I went to place a takeout dinner order. Unfortunately I was told by the hostess at Ciebia (their rooftop restaurant) they "dont do takeout as this is a fine dining restaurant." Which is strange because we get takeout from Michelin star restaraunts all the time back home. Ended up eating at the Italian place on property or just uber eats. These are just a few examples but food and beverage issues were systemic and clearly affecting other guests too. 4. "Dynamic" Spa pricing - It's not on the website and most staff wont tell you this unless you press, but the cost of any spa treatment is based on the occupancy of the hotel. I tried to book a treatment for the second day I was on property and was told they cant tell me the price yet. It seems like this policy isnt fully understood by staff. Understand this is a for-profit business but this policy, in addition to the way it was hidden from us, was more than off putting and enough for the adults on the trip to pass on services. They also do not offer spa day passes. Sounds like this is also the policy to rent cabanas or day beds by the pool. Other observations - For a new resort it's already showing wear. There was facade outside our balcony that was coming off. The vacation homes on the lagoon were also deteriorating. Trash is left for days on the properly. Soap in bathrooms often out. Pool side service is hard to come by. Lagoon side is more attentive. In-room housekeeping was excelent. I've been lucky enough to stay at the Ritz, Waldorf and JW Marriott resorts in the same vicinity. The Conrad is orders of magnitude behind them. You will pay more and get less.
Гость проживал в 2024年6月
Отзывов: 0
Опубликовано 2024年6月23日
We had an amazing time at the Conrad Orlando. The service was excellent from start to finish. Two days prior to arrival we received a complimentary upgrade as Gold members, from a nature view room to a Lagoon view of the Evermore bay. The rooms were spacious and clean. There was plenty of room for two pack n plays for a toddler and an infant. Housekeeping was 5 star! Ernesto took care of us during our whole stay. He was always extremely attentive and went above and beyond to ensure we had a great time. The only thing I wish they would offer is the option for self parking, although valet service was always great and friendly . There is a splash pad for kids which is a plus, the beach lagoon was perfect and the highlight of the resort. We ended up booking an extra night to extend our vacation. We can’t wait to come back!
Гость проживал в 2024年6月
Отзывов: 0
Очень хорошо
Опубликовано 2024年6月21日
Overall the experience was lovely… had a lovely stay. Had a lovely dinner at Ceiba and our server Christian F. was absolutely divine. He was incredible.His knowledge of the menu and his positive attitude was stellar. I did not love the pool menu.. It needs to be a bit elevated.
Гость проживал в 2024年6月
Отзывов: 0
Опубликовано 2024年6月21日
The food was amazing,the ambience and the view incredible! Henry our server the best! He make us feel so special, and made the best recomendations ever! Btw we had a wonderful dessert that truly impressed us with its flavor and presentation.
Гость проживал в 2024年6月
Отзывов: 0
Опубликовано 2024年6月19日
What a wonderful resort! It is so unique and wonderful to have a beautiful, blue lagoon with white sandy beaches in Central Florida. The staff were very attentive and engaging. If we needed anything at all, they were right there to handle it. My only drawback was the menu at Sophia's Trattoria. Neither I nor my sister were a fan of the choices. I did have a delicious Bolgenese (sp?) via room service one night however, we went with the scallops when we dined in the restaurant and while they were tasty, we felt they were way overpriced. We would have liked to have had options like spaghetti, lasagna, ravioli, ziti, etc. I suppose their menu may be specific to a particular region in Italy and it may be appealing to some however, we had trouble even understanding the food descriptions. Having said all that, we did have an amazing server, Nicole. She was so delightful! She was informative, helpful, friendly and checked in on us just enough to make sure we were doing OK, but not so much to be overbearing or hovering. She made our meal much more enjoyable! We also ate at Papaya Club and that food was delicious. The servers and bartenders were great as well. However, our favorite spot, where we ate twice, was the food court in the building directly across the lagoon from the hotel. I think it was called The Landing. They have varied menus for burgers, pizzas, wraps and salads. There is also a little marketplace there for quick grab and go options like baked goods, fruits, salads, etc. I had a burger and my sister had a chicken club the first time and the second time we got pizza. All were delicious!! We also used our free hour of kayaking that is included in your stay and that was a lot of fun. So relaxing and you don't have to worry about I highly recommend the Conrad and Evermore Resort. I'll be going back again at some point and would like to stay in one of the flats or houses they have so I can bring more family members. It's a perfect place for a big family get together!! Thanks Conrad for taking such good care of us on our sister's trip :-)
Гость проживал в 2024年6月
Отзывов: 0
Опубликовано 2024年6月17日
Recently returned from three fabulous nights at the new Conrad Orlando. A beautiful facility with an attentive, professional and welcoming staff. Rooms very comfortable and spacious, food excellent (especially Ceiba on the 8th floor), pool lovely plus a pristine lagoon with beach. Truly a tropical paradise in the heart of central Florida.
Гость проживал в 2024年6月
Отзывов: 0
Опубликовано 2024年6月14日
I must say that this property is amazing and customer service was by far the best Hilton Experience I have ever had as a Diamond member/HGV owner. Now my review will be long but a must! We came onsite Memorial Day weekend. I had reserved 3 rooms for my family for my mom's birthday weekend. We also had another family come and they joined us for the weekend. I had two hiccups that could be improved. One situation I mentioned to the security team on site. What seemed to be the team lead of valet could have been more welcoming. I asked for the bell service cart, but he seemed nonchalant. Anyway, we went about our business until this amazing bell service man Allan, came to help us, and he hit it off with my husband, lol. He went into detail about the property and well gave us the scoop. As I approached the front desk, one desk agent was very welcoming, so I gravitated towards her. I already checked in virtually but wanted to be sure our information was good and made sure the parties that would be arriving from my other reservations would have a smooth check-in. She did not disappoint. While waiting for our room since we arrived early to enjoy the area, I met some great staff along the way. I came to the taco bar and was greeted by Alex for a margarita and kindly declined because Tequila and I are no longer friends, ha ha. However, he shared some information with me and shared me where I could get my ticket for the tacos. I went to the bar and was greeted by Luis and Nakesha, who were busy but pleasant. We chatted a bit while they prepared my drinks. I returned to the taco bar and presented my ticket to the grill cooks. While I waited, Alex and I started to chat again. It was a bit interrupted when a customer was not happy because she had to wait for her food that had to actually be prepared. Keep in mind, my order was large and before hers. The lead cook came in to assist with getting with the other guys that were on the grill, who, by the way, were doing their job well and also pleasant. He asked them about my order and was concerned, but I jumped in and said to them, do not worry, because they are prepping the food and getting it ready, especially since my order was big, and to continue what they are doing because this is not "Burger King". I know they appreciated it because there was no need for that lady to behave that way. The taco stand should be incorporated because it is a great snack and/or tapas. Please bring it back! While waiting for our room, I visited Papaya for our drinks. I am not one to drink fruity colada drinks all the time, but the one recommended, which I believe was the signature Papaya colada, did not disappoint. I was enjoying the amenities, but when I looked at the time, I was perplexed that our room was not ready. I headed to the front, and the same desk agent helped me while apologizing. I was okay just wanted to ask if our rooms were ready. She presented two different key options: the regular key or a room bracelet. The
Гость проживал в 2024年6月
Отзывов: 0
Опубликовано 2024年6月14日
I’ve been very fortunate to stay at some luxury resorts. What I will say is they’re so close to be the go to destination. I’ll list off what’s good, then chuck in my issues, before finishing it all off. Positives: - Rooms Room was huge with a great view! - location We had a lagoon view balcony and were able to observe the Epcot fireworks, less than a 10 minute shuttle, so granted even quicker via uber. - transport Easy to get to and from to the resort front gate, also only need to scan your room key to go through the express entrance. Saves on any queuing. The shuttle bus ran a clear time table and it’s some of the best resort transport we’ve used for both timing and luxury. - amenities Conrad only pool was good, Conrad only beach even better with pool bar. Bookable cabanas, the lagoon, the other beaches, the lagoon, other pools, the lagoon. Did I mention the lagoon? 😂😂😂 I will add the complimentary paddle boards and kayaking is a really nice touch, inexpensive from a resort perspective but really unique. What ever you do please don’t start charging people. On top of our free bottles of water in the room, we’re also given drinks bottles and can fill up from the many stations around the lagoon. Being apart of the evermore resort also meant you could walk round and use the ‘landing’ which is a food court with a bar. Grab pizza, burgers, wraps. Have a beer with sports on the tv. After a long day sometimes little things like that you don’t notice when you haven’t got them. But when they’re there it’s brilliant. They have fire pits in the evening which are gas operated and are really nice! Negatives/room for improvement The cost of food and drink really is unjustifiable. Like outrageously expensive for what’s on offer. It was labelled as Breakfast is included. It was actually 45 bucks per head and with the pricing in the restaurant we would exceed that daily with just 2 of us. And no we’re not gannets. On check in we should’ve received $100 resort credit. This wasn’t on there so we queried with the front desk. Said they would rectify to show on our account. 2 hours later we’re sat by the pool to get 2 notifications that they’ve tried to take £3000. Now I believe this is a genuine error in the system, as the exact figure they tried to take matched to the cost of our stay which had already been paid. On top of that we use a specific bank card when we have to place one with front desk for incidentals. It’s only ever loaded with the minimum amount, which in itself was very large $800 for 5 days. Because of this they were never able to take the money. But had I placed my Amex or another card, I do wonder how long it would’ve taken to get that money back. Restaurant service was good, bar service not so much. All in all, I don’t know whether 3 star is too harsh. It certainly could’ve been much worse if that money had been took and that paying into my decision making. Really do give this resort/hotel a chance as I believe it will only g