TheTravelingSuitcase (@thetravelingsuitcasee)Великобритания
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Hotel Deoki Niwas Palace, Jaisalmer, India

📍Address - Gandhi Colony Road, Opp. Kishan Ghat Prol, Jaisalmer, Rajasthan 345001, India ⛲️ Ambiance/Facilities - The location is great. The most famous historical landmark of Jaisalmer Rajasthan called The Golden Fort could be seen from the terrace, which is amazing. The hotel is so picturesque you would wanna keep one buffer day just to sit back and relax at the hotel. Breakfast options were decent but could be improved. Rooms were very spacious and clean. Facilities were average, as we had to ask to the reception for a few stuff for the bathrooms, but all the staffs were really good and well-behaved. ⚡️Highlights - The poolside view was gorgeous. The famous Golden Fort could be seen from the higher floors. You would not run out of places to take pictures in the hotel itself, it's so beautiful. 💲Avg. Price per Person - INR 2000 (approx.) ⭐️Rating - 4.3/5 #staycation #wanderlust #mountainview #urbanexplorer #awesomepic #naturalwonders #jaisalmer #rajasthan #incredibleindia #india #foodie #indianfood #travel #travelphotography #wanderer #travellovers
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Опубликовано: 15 июля 2022 г.
Duane McAlpine
TheTravelingSuitcase (@thetravelingsuitcasee)
Valentina Bee
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Hotel Deoki Niwas Palace

2.8/5Отзывы (5)
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